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BREXIT: Business opportunities and risk management

Brexit Opportunities for Global Business.   Whether you already have a UK business or whether you were thinking of starting up in Britain, you may be feeling a bit wobbly after last week’s Brexit results. But don’t panic. All is not lost. While Britain starts slowly...

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Bulgaria Introduces New Rules on Trade Secret Protection

In April 2019, the new Trade Secret Protection Act entered into force.   On 5th of April 2019, the Bulgarian State Gazette promulgated the new law on the protection against unauthorized acquisition, use and disclosure of trade secrets – the Trade Secret Protection Act...

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Bloomberg TV Interview – European ‘tech tax’

Prosperamo I Bloomberg TV Interview with expert comment of Att. Polina Terziyska on the proposed European 'tech tax'. Policymakers across Europe are developing rules that would force tech companies to pay taxes on revenue generated in the region, rather...

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GDPR ALERT – Do Not Forget the Employment Relations

All these privacy policies, notices and declarations popping up all over the Internet trick our mind into thinking that GDPR concerns only the relations between businesses and their customers. A major group of data subjects often drops out of the GDPR...

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Does GDPR really apply to my company?

Time to overcome denial   A few months after the General Data Protection Regulation became enforceable (25 May 2018), local supervisory authorities in Member States are buried in complaints about data protection violations. In the first few months, such...

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Stricter Anti Money-Laundering regulations in Bulgaria

In March 2018, Bulgaria adopted a new anti money-laundering law (Закон за мерки срещу изпиране на пари / Anti Money Laundering Act). The new law transposes the Fourth European Union Money Laundering Directive (MLD4) adopted on the 20th May 2015. Rules for...

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Key Amendments in Bulgarian Tax Laws for 2018

Substantial changes have been introduced into Bulgarian tax legislation in 2018. Here are the key amendments for 2018 that you need to know about:   I. Amendments in the Personal Income Taxation Act 1. According to the new Art. 50a of the Personal Income...

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NGOs – new online register and re-registration

On the 1st of January 2018 the changes in the Act on Non-Profit Legal Entities came into effect. Purpose The changes are aimed at ensuring transparency and accountability of the Non-Profit Legal Entities and reducing the administrative burden. The major...

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Transfer of shares in Bulgaria – new requirements

The amendments in the Commercial Act, introduced in the end of 2017, imposed certain restrictions on transfers of shares in limited liability companies and transfer of commercial enterprises, in cases where the relevant companies have pending employment and social security obligations.

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